Monday, September 30, 2019

Monday Motivation!

By: Aashiana Maharaj

Happy Monday and welcome back to Trillium Today! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I wanted to start off this week on a positive note by sharing a quote that will hopefully encourage some of you, as well as myself, to keep going and to keep putting your best foot forward even when it feels like you can't go any further.

I think it is important for us to understand that as stressed and upset as we may feel with certain circumstances in our lives, it is all a part of the learning process and we are going to grow. I hope you can apply this quote to any difficult situations you may face this week, and have an amazing day!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Sandwich Sale Review!

As some of you fellow students already knew, a Sandwich sale took place at the break's and lunch's from the student council. I chose to make a review because I had to attend you all during the sale. In that case, I would like start with saying that it was a great job by my student council partners that helped me in today's event and myself. The sale went better than what I expected, due to the fact that not one sandwich was left! I believe that this happened due to the reasonable prices the student council came up with. Therefore, I would like to thank all the people who bought from this sale because it is helpful for the future of your children, parents, and the development and growth of our great school, Trillium.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Student Council's Sandwich Day!

By: Aashiana Maharaj

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Today I wanted let you all know about an event that will be taking place this Thursday, the student council's Sandwich Day! We would love it if you could show your support buy purchasing one of our cheese paste, chicken salad or tuna sandwiches for $15, and feel free to add a juice for just $5 more. Remember how important it is support your school, so I hope to see you this Thursday. Have an amazing week!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Importance of Exercising!

Hello everyone, I'm here to talk about a little bit of health and importance of being fit in other words. The importance of maintaining such a healthy and fit life is to improve stress relief, to be able to develop muscles to protect your bones and to live a longer life. With all these factors said, it leavs us with the question of, how to get there? Simple, just eat healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits and do certain exercises that you find are helping youthe most in terms of fitness. Remember to warmup and stress before you get into any intense workout and keep hydrated so you don't faint in this heatness in our country Trinidad. Stretching comes in for you not to pull muscles, fracture bones or minor injuries such as ankle twists which are common while doing sports. Thank you for everyone who really takes my information in and if you already know all of what I said, there is a link for a video right below. Enjoy!

Monday, September 16, 2019

Two Can Keep a Secret

By: Aashiana Maharaj

Happy Monday! I hope everyone is ready to have a great week. Today I wanted to let you know about one of my favourite books, Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen M. McManus.

Image result for two can keep a secret 

 For anyone interested murder mystery novels or anything of the sort, I would definitely suggest Two Can Keep a Secret. The book looks at a teenage girl, Ellery, who moves to a new town and uncovers mysteries about missing family members, a victim of murder in her high school, and the town's suspects. You'll feel excitement as you read how Ellery puts each piece of this one big puzzle together for an ending that will leave you shocked. For anyone that loves crime solving and murder mystery, I promise you this book is perfect! 

Have a great week and I hope we'll see you tomorrow for another post! 

Friday, September 13, 2019

Appreciation Friday

By Wisdom Garcia

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everyone had had a productive week. I must take this opportunity to welcome everyone back to yet another, hopefully, successful school year. I would like to take this time to also welcome back all the teachers and staff back to school. As an individual, myself and, I am sure many students have forgotten the work and care our staff of Trillium International School has shown towards us. I would like to extend my appreciation to all staff, for propping us into becoming better young men and ladies into today's society. Although we have parents and they do correct us, sometimes we need a little correction from a stranger or someone who doesn't know us as well.  Again thank you to all our staff of Trillium and also our principal for coming back to school and bestowing that care and motivation upon us.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

It's Back And Better!

by Andre Montenegro

Welcome back guys to another exciting term of Trillium Today. I will be posting every Thursday about new topics and events occurring throughout the school, country and the world. I hope everyone had a safe and productive summer and that you all are coping well for the first week of school. I would also like to add that we may have a free open spot for teachers on Wednesday's, my fellow classmate will provide more information on that Friday. If you guys are interested in anything and would like to know more in-depth about it, you can feel free to drop it right down in the comment box! I would like to wrap this up by giving thanks to all the people that supported us throughout our journey last term. Until the next post, see ya!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

About Our Blog!

By Jovon James

As you all know, our school blog, Trillium Today is back and ready to venture into a new year of excitement! As my fellow blog member said, there will be a new post every weekday which we really looking forward to. We'll be keeping you guys updated on all the exciting events occurring throughout the school year. We'll also be posting captivating articles to keep you all interested. Also,  I wanted to share a tiny tip with you guys -  go chase your dreams and goals in life no matter what anyone tells you. With that being said, we are anticipating seeing you all tomorrow with a brand new post! Bye guys!

Monday, September 9, 2019

Welcome Back!

By: Aashiana Maharaj

 Happy Monday and welcome back to Trillium Today! I hope everyone has had a great week of school and are all settled in. I know it can be difficult starting a new year with new teachers, friends and classes, but it's all a part of the process of learning. Honestly, I myself have been pretty nervous to begin my first year of high school. But I think if we all put our best foot forward and give the most effort we can, it'll all work out. So we must enjoy our time in school, and remember that it's not just about the work but also the memories we make with friends that we keep with us for the rest of our lives.
 Now that we're back at school, we're excited to announce that Trillium Today is officially up and running from today! There will be a new post every weekday, and you can expect a variety of articles for you, the students. We want to make sure we're writing about what you want to read, so whenever there's an idea or topic you want to hear about, be sure to let us know - either when you see us at school or in the comments section of any post on our blog.

Remember to comment, giving positive feedback and opinions and share with friends who don't know about the blog who you think would be interested. And you can always find us by searching Thank you for all the support and have an amazing week!

Motivational Monday!

By: Aashiana Maharaj  Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great week. Today I wanted to share with you one of my favourite quote...