Friday, May 31, 2019

Our New P.E Game


In our P.E. class that took place Monday morning, I and my friends learned an interesting yet fun
sport we can enjoy together. This sport holds similarities with baseball, for example, hitting the ball with
your knuckles and proceed to run towards the bases. After you have passed all the checkpoint bases,
you eventually hit your “home”. Now be careful, because just like baseball, in every checkpoint there is
someone that will out you if reaching the checkpoint was delayed. If they get the ball before you reach
that specific checkpoint, you are no longer in the game. The fun always stays since you repeat what
I just explained until your P.E. teacher ends the game. This game inspires people to have fun with
“competitive games”, after all, there are no winners declared and everyone can enjoy themselves!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Spring Concert Recap

By Wisdom Garcia

Yesterday was the spring concert and it was quite an entertaining and fun event. Many students came out dressed in their spring or cultural wear. Events like this create memorable experiences for students, that we hold in our hearts forever. For the show,  there was quite an audience. Most parents came out to support their kids and to also take part in Trillium's first Tea Party and Cultural Show. I must say the students of Trillium International School displayed magnificent talent. They played instruments like the recorder and guitar, and some sang and danced, which brought joy and warmth to the heart. Art pieces were also on display. One of our grade 12 students, Anasuya Allahar showcased some of her watercolour pieces. Before the end of the event, all of them were sold out! For me, I was so blown away by the event, and I was happy that my family and I could have been a part of it! This truly left an indelible impression on me. If you missed it this year, you will get the opportunity to experience it next year!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Hexagonal Puzzle to build Connection Skills

by Lisa Cielto

Does anyone out there enjoy collaborating on Instagram? Well, I do - very much. The teacher community is so inspiring and motivating! About one week ago, I was intrigued by a post by @socstudiesteacher where she created a hexagonal puzzle activity to be used for a US History lesson. After some Q & A, she explained that she used terms that the kids had to connect together and then present to the class. I LOVED IT! So, this week, I taught a Science lesson on how ocean currents and winds affect climate. In the end, my kids had to write out what they learned. Today however, I placed them in groups, gave them hexagon shaped puzzle pieces with words on it from the lesson to connect. The competition began (unintentionally) and the kids were having fun!

I think what is important to note is how effective this strategy was. The kids, while connecting the terms, they were getting deeper into the lesson. I was seeing evidence of critical thinking, teamwork, and the genuine desire to conquer!
The shape is available on PowerPoint, so I used 6 per page, and filled in my words and printed. Next, I copied the puzzle unto card stock/bristol board, and cut out. Each group of kids got 18 words to attempt to connect. They were challenged to try to use each word they got.
The final result was phenomenal! The kids had fun and they were reviewing the lesson at the same time! Can it get better than this???

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Sticking to our Jobs!

By Jovon James:
In our Grade 8 classroom, each person is assigned to do a certain job. I have been assigned to clean the board every day. These jobs are very important and everyone attends to it when it is necessary. I think these jobs are very efficient because it helps us learn how to be responsible and co-operate in a class. It also makes Mrs. Cielto’s job easier since she doesn’t have to worry about handling multiple tasks within and outside of the classroom.

Monday, May 27, 2019

The Spring Concert

By: Aashiana Maharaj

We are all looking forward to Trillium’s upcoming event on Wednesday, May 29th, 2019, the Spring Concert! This year, Trillium will not only be hosting a concert alone, but also a viewing of visual arts and serving of tea and treats.

I’m most excited for the visual art portion of the event since my class, grade 8, will have our women’s history banner and handcrafted flowers on display, my personal artwork will be on display, and I also get to appreciate the work of other students and classes. Along with the art selection, the concert portion will showcase the musical talents of students of a variety of ages here at Trillium. Students and classes have been working for many days to perfect their pieces, so these students are well prepared to show off their talent. To go along with all this entertainment, Trillium was sure to include food and beverages. There will be tea plates of finger food, as well as tea and coffee available to grab a bite while enjoying all the musical and visual art available. To add to all the festivities, water will be hosting a dress up day for the students at a cost of $20. I already have an outfit ready for the exciting day, and if any students don’t have an outfit prepared, now is the time to go through your wardrobes. The tickets to attend this momentous event will be priced at $60, so get your money ready and purchase your tickets if you haven’t already to show some school spirit

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Recipe Time

By Wisdom Garcia

Deviled Eggs Recipe

six eggs
1/4 cup of mayonnaise
1 teaspoon of yellow mustard
1/8 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of black pepper


First, to make this delicious snack, boil the eggs.
Next, peel and dry the eggs.
Slice the eggs in half lengthwise, remove yolks to a medium bowl and the whites on a serving platter. Mash the yolks until a fine crumble, using a fork.
Then, add the ingredients listed above, and mix well.
Lastly, fill the egg white with the yolk mixture

There you have it guys! Delicious deviled eggs!

 Be sure to check us out next week Sunday for another delicious and easy recipe.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Joke Time!

By Jovon James

Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut?

He just needed a little space.
                            Source: Nicole Fornabaio

What did the left eye say to the right eye?

Between you and me, something smells.
                           Source: Nicole Fornabaio

Friday, May 24, 2019

Brag Tags

by Wisdom Garcia

As a student, I can tell you, it sure feels good to be rewarded for hard work - especially by your teacher! I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones because I have a teacher who shares my thoughts on this subject too. In our classroom, we have what we call our “Brag Wall”.

It is an area in the room where we get to show off our rewards. Let me explain… My teacher made tags, that look like tags that are found on shopping bags, but she customized them to say things like, “I am a great leader”, or “I said kind words today”, or even, “I am a geography genius!” All of our names are written on the wall, and we display the tags we receive as we go along throughout the school year. You can grab these awesome tags for your classroom at TpT.

To receive a brag tag in my class is such an honour. It encourages my friends and I to do better in our work. I deliberately take an excessive amount of time making sure some of my assignments are done to the best of my abilities so that I can be rewarded for it. These are my tags!

These tags make my classmates and I feel that the work that we are putting in is not in vain and that our teacher sees our efforts. If you are a teacher reading this blog be sure to take into consideration that hard work deserves an award even if it's just a tag to motivate the student.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Cheat Sheets

by Andre Montenegro

Awards assembly took place this week, and it left me wondering… How can I be sure to get an award the next time around? After some deep thinking, I realized that getting recognition for my efforts is going to mean that I put in my very best work. One of the ways I ensure that I understand my work is by creating “cheat sheets”. Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not going to tell you how to cheat in an exam. Instead, I have learned in my class how to put together study notes that are very detailed that if I use it to study, I will indeed score top marks in my tests!
Take a look at this picture.

This is an example of a Science one-pager activity I did for class. We were studying a topic called “Exploring the Deep” in our Science Water Systems unit. My teacher asked us to look at the positive and negative effects of sinking battleships for recreational diving expeditions. I set out to create a visual note summary to answer the question. To begin with, I got a blank sheet of printing paper. Holding it in a portrait position helped me visualize how I wanted everything to be laid out. I decided to create a table showing the positive and negative effects of this practice. I enhanced the font of my titles making them bigger and in colour! Next, I wanted to add a visual aspect, so I inserted a boat that was going across my page horizontally indicating that it was sinking in the sea. Still, I was not pleased with my assignment. I found it was somehow missing something. So, I was determined to add a few colours behind the table I created which I believe, gave it the added touch it needed.
This assignment took a little while longer than I expected it would, but I was satisfied when it was completed. Not only did I research the material, but I was able to learn so much at the same time, and by creating this “cheat sheet” I have a tool that is easy to review.
I learned that success will never arrive unless I work for it. So take my advice and put some added effort into your schoolwork. Give these one pager cheat sheets a try! Remember, you are the only person that can prove you are worthy of getting that award that you always wished for. I believe in you!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

One Pager Summaries!

By Lisa Cielto

I have been seeing one pager activities all over Instagram. Teachers have been using this visual summary activity in various subjects and I knew I had to try it! For those who aren't sure what these are, they are basically summaries that are very visual and only take up one page. Students take apart the lesson, looking for new vocabulary, general content, additional facts and anything else that might be interesting and important concerning the lesson. Then, they use their creativity and expression to make the information more attractive to look at - and thus exciting to review!

I just had to try them out! So, this term in my poetry unit I tested them out as a biography assignment. It was the students first try, and they really performed. I took pics of those, but somehow they get deleted from my phone...

Last week, I tried it in History class. We had now started a chapter on the Years After Confederation. Students read the content, and we discussed as a whole class activity. At this point, when I was sure everyone understood the content, each student did a #onepager! Take a look at how they turned out!
Check out #teachersofInstagram and other similar hashtags to see other examples of one-pagers done by kids from around the world!!! If you have used them in your classroom leave pics in the comments section down below! Take care guys, keep on teaching!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Trillium's Health Week

By Jovon James

Recently, The Student Council of Trillium International School held their health week which was quite intriguing. They sold fruits, vegetables, smoothies, fruit popsicles, fruit kabobs, fruit juices, and more healthy items which were very delicious. Everyone enjoyed this quite a lot and it was very successful. This was all a part of their effort to encourage the students to eat healthier and to have a healthier lifestyle not only to benefit them but also the people around them. Being healthy is not only about eating healthy food. It is also about being physically active and by doing some form of exercise. Staying healthy and active benefits both your mental and physical stability. For there to be a healthy environment, we must be healthy ourselves.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Trillium Today

By Aashiana Maharaj

Welcome to Trillium International School’s first ever blog, Trillium Today! We are excited to bring to you a variety of posts concerning both Trillium and the students’ interests. You can look forward to reading about Trillium’s upcoming and past events, book and movie reviews, classroom inspirations and many other trending topics to intrigue all readers. It is important to note that there will be a new post daily, so make sure you return to the blog using either the link from one of Trillium’s social media accounts or simply by typing in Also, if you happen to have an account on Blogger, be sure to add us to your reading list so that you will be notified when we post. We have been eager to introduce this way of sharing information online to Trillium, so we hope that we have your continued support as a reader and you enjoy all the interesting posts to come. We’ll see you tomorrow for a brand-new post!

Motivational Monday!

By: Aashiana Maharaj  Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great week. Today I wanted to share with you one of my favourite quote...