Thursday, May 23, 2019

Cheat Sheets

by Andre Montenegro

Awards assembly took place this week, and it left me wondering… How can I be sure to get an award the next time around? After some deep thinking, I realized that getting recognition for my efforts is going to mean that I put in my very best work. One of the ways I ensure that I understand my work is by creating “cheat sheets”. Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not going to tell you how to cheat in an exam. Instead, I have learned in my class how to put together study notes that are very detailed that if I use it to study, I will indeed score top marks in my tests!
Take a look at this picture.

This is an example of a Science one-pager activity I did for class. We were studying a topic called “Exploring the Deep” in our Science Water Systems unit. My teacher asked us to look at the positive and negative effects of sinking battleships for recreational diving expeditions. I set out to create a visual note summary to answer the question. To begin with, I got a blank sheet of printing paper. Holding it in a portrait position helped me visualize how I wanted everything to be laid out. I decided to create a table showing the positive and negative effects of this practice. I enhanced the font of my titles making them bigger and in colour! Next, I wanted to add a visual aspect, so I inserted a boat that was going across my page horizontally indicating that it was sinking in the sea. Still, I was not pleased with my assignment. I found it was somehow missing something. So, I was determined to add a few colours behind the table I created which I believe, gave it the added touch it needed.
This assignment took a little while longer than I expected it would, but I was satisfied when it was completed. Not only did I research the material, but I was able to learn so much at the same time, and by creating this “cheat sheet” I have a tool that is easy to review.
I learned that success will never arrive unless I work for it. So take my advice and put some added effort into your schoolwork. Give these one pager cheat sheets a try! Remember, you are the only person that can prove you are worthy of getting that award that you always wished for. I believe in you!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. definitely would make one of these

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you! This was very helpful

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Good JobπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ”πŸ³πŸ£

  8. Really enjoyed it! Keep up the work

  9. Loved this! I think the one-pagers are a really great creative way to improve in school

  10. these Cheat Sheet ideas sound like a wonderful, simple way to study. its definitely worth a try


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