Sunday, June 9, 2019

5 Study Tips

By: Aashiana Maharaj

The end of our school term is 3 weeks away and exams are right around the corner. For me personally, exams are an extremely stressful time and I am so grateful for any advice I can get. This is why today I’m providing you with 5 study tips to help you get through your exam preparation period.

Exercise Before an Exam:
Exercising or taking a short walk before an exam will help your performance on the exam. Exercising helps to increase your memory on the topic as well as your brain power which will help you stay focused during the test.

Be the Teacher:
Whether or not you have an audience, explaining the topic as though you are the teacher will help in retaining information. Pretend that whoever you are speaking to, real or imaginary, has no knowledge on the topics so that it is up to you to teach and explain as thoroughly as you can so that your audience can learn just as much as you know simply from your teaching.

Create Study Notes:
Don't be afraid to go the extra mile by expanding on what you learn in the classroom. Study notes, whether they be one-page visual summaries, flash cards, or any note-taking method that works for you, allow you to write down as well as add to the information you received in class to help you have a thorough understanding of the topic.

Above are my personal one-page summaries that have truly helped me have an understanding of topics taught in many subject areas in class.

Take Breaks:
When you plan on studying for several hours at a time, it's hard to remain focused and retain information without giving your brain a chance to absorb what is being read. Taking breaks every 45 minutes to an hour will give your brain the opportunity to take in information instead of cramming too much to handle which doesn't allow you to truly remember what you need to learn for the exam.

Use Scents and Gum:
This is an unusual tip that surprisingly works. Spray perfume or an air freshener when studying that you wouldn't normally use, then spray it again just before your exam. The scent will help bring your memory back to what you are studying when you last used the spray. The same works with gum! Chew a flavour of gum when studying that you wouldn't normally chew, then use the same flavour before your exam to jog your memory.

Happy studying guys!


  1. this is very useful, i would try it

  2. These tips seem quite helpful even the very unusual last one but they are worth a try

  3. Wow! The last one is surprising! I never thought of that! Will give it a try!


Motivational Monday!

By: Aashiana Maharaj  Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great week. Today I wanted to share with you one of my favourite quote...