Monday, November 4, 2019

Motivational Monday!

By: Aashiana Maharaj

 Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great week. Today I wanted to share with you one of my favourite quotes by author, poet, historian, songwriter, playwright, dancer, stage and screen producer, director, performer, singer, and civil rights activists, Maya Angelou.

I love this quote because it's hard to remind yourself when your with friends or with others your now meeting to simply be yourself. I myself am guilty of trying to fit in or change certain aspects of my personality to avoid feeling disliked and left out. However, I've learned to realize that if you feel the need to change yourself for people, they aren't worth putting time and effort into because they aren't benefiting you in any way. Hiding your true personality will hold you back from many opportunities expressing your personality and even meeting amazing people that share similarities that you were hiding. So I hope that this quote can benefit you in some way in your life and I hpe you can share it to help others. Have a great week!

Friday, November 1, 2019

Trillium's Halloween


Hello, everyone, I hope everyone is getting their favorite ice cream and watching a memorable movie because I know I am. This week was quite a fun but also tiring week for me. As you all know there were many enjoyable fundraisers this week that I happened to take part in all, but let's go down to my favorite, the hunted- escaped house.  In the haunted house, I was really spooked and so was my best friend because she kept screaming so much that I think my eardrums are broken. The haunted house for those who worked to put it together was truly a success and not to mention the creativity. After the haunted house was the Halloween parade and ohh, those little kids are so adorable. Many student put a lot of effort into their costumes and it was wonderful, but my favorite was the little kids they looked soo cute wearing their favorite characters with total confidence, it was magnificent. This Trillium's Halloween was truly memorable and I hope it is even better next year. Goodbye everyone until next time.

Monday, October 28, 2019


By: Aashiana Maharaj

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Today I wanted to remind you about all that is going to take place this year on Halloween!  Candy grams will be given out on Thursday, so I hope you all made your orders for you and your friends. For food, there will be a bake sale with Halloween themed items so remember to walk with your money. There is also going to be a haunted house/escape room which I'm really excited about, I think it'll be really fun for those of you that like to get scared a little and have fun solving puzzles or mysteries. Lastly, there is the Halloween parade which I love watching. The costumes have many categories which is great so that you can have a variety of options for costumes. So I hope everyone is excited and ready to participate on Thursday b, because Halloween only comes once a year! Have a great week!

Friday, October 18, 2019

Kindness week review

Wisdom Garcia

Good day everyone, I trust that during this week has shown kindness towards each other. This week the student council made kindness cards and shared it out to most of the students at Trillium. Along with this kind gesture, the student council also put on a reading session for the little kids on Thursday. During this session, older students read to the little kids a story contributing to kindness week. This story made the smaller students understand a little more what kindness is about and how they can pursue it, and this was done in a very educational but fun way. Many of you all properly have the question in your head as to why are we keeping a kindness week? the main idea of this week was to teach the kids how to show kindness, that the littlest gesture matters, and also kindness is not just to be shown for one week but every day of your life. Kindness may be the smallest gesture as crossing someone across a street or helping someone tie their shoelaces, these things all matters. I hope these students understand the goal of this week and they try their best to show kindness every day from now on. Have a pleasant weekend everyone and do a good for someone even if the person and you aren't the best of friends.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Kindness Week!

By: Aashiana Maharaj

Happy Monday! I hope everyone is having a great long weekend. Because today is Canadian Thanksgiving, the student council is having a kindness week starting from tomorrow. You can expect little cards with kind words given out randomly in hopes to make someone's day a little better or to make someone smile.I believe it is extremely important to show kindness to family, friends and even those you don't know. You never know what kind of the day those around you are having, and giving the smallest compliment can always put some positive thoughts in their mind when they need it the most! Having a kindness week is not just to be kind during this one week, but to remind you how nice it feels to receive a small act of kindness or compliment so that you remember whenever you find it necessary to share that kindness. So I hope that you enjoy the kindness week and can be inspired to share some positive words of your own. Have a great week!

Friday, October 11, 2019

Cookie fundraiser

Wisdom Garcia

Hello everyone, today I will like to give you guys a little peek on how the student's council previous fundraiser passed, "cookie sale". As most of you all know this fundraiser wasn't ordinary but rather competitive in my perspective. This fundraiser wasn't as friendly as the last, in the occurrences of this fundraiser we had been put in groups amount ourselves and competing in which group will sell the most cookies. I must say I got a little carried away at times because I was eager to win, others influenced their friends from lower grades to purchase cookies from their group, and others were all about the organization of the product. Doing this fundraiser was a very fun event, and it also raised a lot of money although we were corrected at points due to complaining. which were totally some of our faults all turned out well and we were able to work with each other as a team. This fundraiser was very interesting and I hope we can continue doing events like this.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Story Time!

By Jovon James

It was another peaceful day in the Alaskan mountains as my Siberian husky, Rocket and I were preparing for our daily adventure. As we were getting ready to leave Rocket began to act quite strange. He frantically barked and curiously sniffed all around him. Although he often behaved this way, this time was very different. Thankfully, he soon calmed down. We then set out on our adventure and voyaged to the highest mountain in Alaska like we always do. As we arrived at the top of the mountain, we laid down and watched the picturesque view of all the snow-covered mountains and trees in the distance. Suddenly, I began to feel tremendously exhausted and eventually fell asleep. While I was asleep, I dreamt about an evil soul taking one of the most important things in my life.  I just couldn't seem to figure out what it was. I then abruptly woke up, feeling agitated and disturbed. As soon as I looked to my left, I noticed that my dog, Rocket was gone! I instantly began to panic, thinking about all the bad things that could've happened to him.
          For a brief moment, I thought about how irresponsible I was to lose my dog. I was hoping that he probably just wandered off and was quickly on his way back.  After sitting at the top of the mountain for almost two hours, hoping for his return, there was no sign of Rocket.  Worrying about the safety of my dog, I decided to go on a hunt for him. I searched all day and night through the treacherous mountains of Alaska looking for Rocket only to fail. I anxiously shouted his name, but nothing worked in my favor. Hopeless, I chose to go home. While trying to find my way through the trail, I realized that I was stranded in the Alaskan mountains. Fearing for my life, I cluelessly ran through the snow-covered trees trying to get home. Suddenly, I stumbled upon a small cabin which seemed to be empty. As I got closer, I noticed that the lights were on. Thinking that someone was there, I decided to ask them to help me get back home. I cautiously entered the cabin, only to realize that it was abandoned. I then began to smell something quite odorous. It was my dog, Rocket, dripping with blood and lying lifeless of the floor. I abruptly reached for his chest, but unfortunately, there was no pulse. Grief and agony filled my soul as I wondered who could've done this to Rocket. Desperate to find the killer, I rapidly ran through the door in search of them.
          Then, I looked into the distance and spotted a strange looking man. He was wearing what seemed to be a black leather jacket. I looked deep into his eyes only to receive a sinful stare in return. In the blink of an eye, he hurriedly dashed off into the woods. Instantly, I figured out that he was responsible for the death of Rocket. I then bolted into the woods as fast as I could, eagerly trying to catch him before he could escape. As I made my way into the woods, the mist of the snow prevented me from locating the killer. Then, all of a sudden, a gentle voice in my head whispered to me to keep going forward. I willingly listened to it and kept on going forward. With the help of the voice in my head, I swiftly moved through the woods. Then, in an instant, I heard a quick movement in the close distance. I then slowly proceeded to trail into that direction. I then came upon the supposed killer hiding behind a tree. I could tell that he was out of breath by the intensity of his breathing. I quickly picked up a sharp-edged piece of wood and slowly approached him.              
          Without warning, he vigorously tried to attack me but luckily I was able to tackle him to the ground. I aggressively held down on his throat as he tried to fight me back. As I held him down, he uttered to me "That was quite a nice dog you had”. Hearing that statement immediately sent shivers down my spine. My body instantly filled with rage and irritation. Without hesitation, I violently stabbed him in his chest. After getting my revenge on the cabin keeper, I decided to travel back home with the help of the voice in my head. During my journey back home, I stopped at the cabin to get my slaughtered dog, Rocket. As I reached home, I paid my respects to Rocket, knowing that it was my last time ever seeing. I then considerably buried Rocket and sat alone in my house sobbing for the rest of the day. I became frustrated with myself for knowing how irresponsible I was by falling asleep and causing his death. Ever since that day, I have learned a lot about responsibility and to never take anything for granted.

Motivational Monday!

By: Aashiana Maharaj  Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great week. Today I wanted to share with you one of my favourite quote...